Friday, August 12, 2011

Weekend Crazy . . . Bring it On!!

So this weekend promises to be a crazy one around our house.  So far tonight we have dyed tulle and made cupcakes.  Gotta get up in the morning to make a cake, decorate my table at the Festival at church, come back home and turn the cake into a fire truck and decorate the cupcakes, head back to church for Festival of Tables, come home and get everything ready to take with us to church Sunday morning so that when we get out of church, we can immediately start decorating for the parties at 2:30.  Parties will be over at 5, then we gotta get everything from the party out within 30 minutes so that another event can be set up.  Sometime between all of that, before Sunday morning, Mr. B and I have to go get the rest of the kids' birthday presents and I have to write a discussion board post for my very last grad school class.  Once all that is done, gonna get the stuff ready for the school week next week, Fireboy B will be starting back to his church programs on Tuesday, and it is Alyssa's first full week of school.  Looks like we will be running full speed all weekend.  Amazingly enough, this has caused some looking back at fun stuff over the past few years.  Hopefully, I will be back on Monday with a load of pictures and a peek into what our weekend was all about.  Until then . . .

1 comment:

  1. Stopping by from BlogFrog. Hoping you come and visit me too!
