Monday, August 8, 2011

Just wondering

     So, tonight was the last night of the Bible study I have been going to for the past 7 weeks.  We did Priscilla Schirer's "Discerning the Voice of God" and it has really been a life-changing experience for me.  So many things have changed in my life in the past 7 weeks, Mr. B got a new job, we had to find a new babysitter for Fireboy B at what I consider last minute, things going on at work,  and scheduling issues with Prissy B and her activities.  Amazingly enough, although things have been hectic, I have been feeling more at peace in the past 7 weeks than I can ever remember feeling.  I am sleeping at night more, I am not fussing at my kids as much, Mr. B and I are getting along better than ever, and I am truly feeling better and more peaceful with the way things are going around here.  With school starting for Prissy B on Thursday, extended hours at work for the next 4-6 weeks, and school starting up for Fireboy B next week, I am calmer than I can ever remember being at this point in the year. 

     Did I mention that we have three big events this weekend?  Every year I participate in our church's Festival of Tables and that happens on Saturday.  This is the first year that Mr. B will be participating by waiting tables at the event, and I am really looking forward to a wonderful time.  I always have crazy, yet fun, tables and this year will be no exception.  My themes in previous years have ranged from "Football Time in Tennessee" to "Cinderella's Ball" and "Wonderful Friend" (A hawaiian theme with place cards written in Hawaiian).  I am super excited about this year's "Candy Land" theme and can't wait to decorate my table on Saturday morning.  I did say three big events and that is just one of them.  The other two go together and will be happening on Sunday afternoon.  You see, Prissy B was born at 12:26 pm on August 14, 2003.  It just so happens that Fireboy B was born at 1:26 pm on August 14, 2008.  We will be having both parties at the church on Sunday afternoon.  Fireboy B is having a firetruck party (surprise surprise), and Prissy B will be having a cupcake party.  So that makes  a grand total of three different events to decorate the same space for in less than 24 hours.  Normally I would be on stress level 45 out of 40 right about now, but amazingly enough, I am sitting here writing a blog post and not making list after list and checking everything three or four times. 

     I don't know that what I am doing is always following God's plan for me, but I do know that because of changes that I have made in my life, I am in a much better place emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  That brings me to my question that prompted this post.  How do you do a daily devotional/Bible study time?  While I have had the book to go with the study, I had a direction to go in and knew where to focus, but until the next study starts, and really during it because it isn't based the same way this one is, I don't really have a direction like I have had.  Do you have any suggestions?  Let me know what you do for your Bible/devotional time daily. 


  1. Thank you kindly for stopping by my blog, it's such a treat to get new visitors. I hope that you stick around and I want to let you know how glad I am that you are in a better place and also more at peace. I'm getting there myself, thanks be to God.

  2. There is a great daily devotional that I seen (hoping to purchase it soon) called Jesus Calling by Sara Young.

  3. I love bible studies and getting that closness with God. Sadly my church only does this once a month. I am trying to do it more on my own.

    I found your blog through blog frog and am a new follower :) Can't wait to read more.
