Wow! Once again, time has totally gotten away from me as far as thinking about getting on here to blog. I have started to get on here a couple of times, but blogger was acting up, so I didn't get to post anything. A lot has gone on here lately around the house. We have been very busy with Alyssa starting softball, finishing up the school year, and finishing up dance for the summer and having recital; B finished up the year at his two schools and has discovered how much fun it is to play with the neighbor girl that lives beside of us; and David has been super busy at work and at the base. As for me, I have been struggling to keep my head afloat, but working hard at the church and the shop, and the past few weeks been working really hard on VBS stuff. Our VBS at church is this week and I am one of the directors this year. I am having a blast and, as usual, can't believe it is going so quickly. I tried some new things this year, one of which was taking on a director's role, and another was writing devotions for our leaders and holding a short devotional every morning before VBS starts. This has been great and we have had what I feel is a really good response for this being the first year. I am one of those crazy people that truly looks forward to VBS all year long, and since Lifeway announced next year's theme already, I am starting to think about the possibilities for next year while trying to finish out this year at the same time. I got a new phone thanks to an amazing gift from my father-in-law and stepmother-in-law and am working on getting things switched over to it currently. Hopefully it won't be so long in between blog posts from now on. I am doing an online Bible study on the book "I Used to be So Organized" and so far it has talked a lot about making sure that you are sitting down at some point each and every day and making time to think. My goal is to be able to do that. I have been getting up a few minutes early in the mornings to be able to do my devotionals this week and I think that is really making a difference as well. I guess that is it for now, but, in the spirit of VBS, what is your favorite memory of Vacation Bible School?
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